Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear Man in the Bowler Hat

Dear Man in the Bowler Hat,

You really stepped it up today, heh? I appreciate your sense of style, and your flair for accessories. From the neck up you look so cool, because you're being uncool. You're playing that hipster mind game of how uncool can be compound exponentially to create levels of cool that are beyond the average person's comprehension. You were doing so well until you decided to throw on jeans, sneakers, and a fleece with the bowler hat as you push your kid's stroller around town. From a distance, it's intriguing, but as you approach I heard the sad horns play, "Wha wha wha". Epic fail in the fashion department.

I'm just sayin'....
~Boo to the Bowler

P.S. You do NOT look cool like Pierce Brosnan in "The Crown Affair" in case that was the look you were going for. IF he were to push his kid in a stroller, it would be made by Porsche, remote controlled, and he'd wear an Italian suit. Let that marinate a little before you pick out your next fashion combo.

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