Dear Verizon,
I loathe you. You have the WORST customer service of any business, EVER. You lie, cheat and steal from your customers. I think you actually train your employees to suck. I think you have to suck to work for Verizon. After talking to your sucky employees on the phone about how you have once again screwed up a bill, I decide to actually go talk in person to your sucky employees. And what greets me? Fucking medieval times. So your employees can suck AND wear costumes? Come on! Her boobs practically welcomes guests in the parking lot, and it was not welcome! Do your employees feast on turkey legs at the service counter in front of customers too? Do you ride horses and do battle? Oh wait, its a verbal attack on me, every fucking time I walk in the door. I fully recognize you will not change, and I am stuck with you. But can you at least ask your employees to wear REAL clothes that don't make me feel like you think your business REALLY is a joke?
I support the black knight,
Over Verizon
I support the black knight,
Over Verizon